San Luis Business Incubator

H.A.K. Construction, LLC


We are a construction company with years of experience meeting client’s expectations throughout the Yuma County area. Our experience ranges from flooring to construction work. We provide detailed cost estimating based on recent, relevant project cost data; constructability reviews and recommendations; coordination of design and planning activities with the Architect/Engineer team and the owner; qualification and recommendation of subcontractors; aid in the selection and procurement of specialized consultants; assist the owner with occupancy planning and scheduling; and coordinate with the owner’s occupancy of the facility. We offer bilingual services for both our English and Spanish speaking customers.

Other Tenants:

City of San Luis, AZ

San Luis Business Incubator
415 N. Henry Chavez Ct. | Po Box 1175
San Luis, AZ 85349
(928) 627-1627